Saturday, February 25, 2012

February 2012, "The Friday of his first-ever 'tonic' seizure"

Charles went another 3 months (December to February) until another "spell" occurred. It was a Friday morning at 8am and we were getting the kids ready for school when he had been having some minor seizures. He and David took a bath and I got him out and put him on my bed to dress him when all of a sudden he got a NEW seizure that I had never seen before. Later, the doctors referred to it as a "tonic" seizure. It lasted about 15 seconds (vs. 4-5) and he arched his body, it was stiff as a board, and his neck was twisted to the right. It was SOOOO scary.
We quickly took the kids to Grandma Dianne's house (so they could go to school) and took Charles to Children's Hospital Emergency Department for, I think, the 5th time. We waited in the lobby for a good hour. We were disturbed about this particular visit because the neurology department did not send down for a consult to the ED, instead they just advised us to increase the meds, yet again, to 3ml twice daily. However, they also perscribed the ED docs to give an IV of 18ml of Keppra. Let me back up and say that, yet again, Charles is having ear infections at this point...a "trigger", we believe. He has has 7 ear infections in a one year period, and is now scheduled to have tubes put in March 9th at Kaiser Franklin Medical Center, here in Denver.
Charles is sporting his "tye-died" shirt that David made for him. After about 4-5 hours, we went home. He slept at the hospital for about 30 minutes - one doctor came in during this time, but I didn't let him wake Charles up to check him out - he DESPERATELY needed some sleep. We went home and he slept for 3 hours after that. The next morning (Saturday) he had a few minor seizures, but he also had weakness in his right leg causing him to fall frequently, making him VERY frustrated. I'll talk more about that in the next post. Charles took his "hospital" blanket with us - Anna (his cousin) made it for him - more pics of that later.


  1. Oh sweet baby. That seizure sounds really scary!

    We missed you that day - I was lucky to spend the day with Liesl, she stuck right by my side at the museum. What a good little girl!

    By that night, Charles was up & at it, enjoying Julie & Kyle's visit, and Grandma's Cafe Rio style dinner.

    I was impressed with you Amelia, that you could pull it together & enjoy the evening & next morning with the family.

    Reading all these posts makes me wish I had snuck into Charles' room tonight to give him a big hug!

  2. oh, yes! that's the major detail i couldn't remember - museum outing and home-made mexican food! big night!
