In December Charles had a non-emergent EEG repeated to see if anything had changed from his December 2011 seizures. Grandma Dianne came to the rescue to help take care of Charles during this procedure - she brought her trusty iPad and showed him videos, etc. Once again, thanks Mom!! And, Thanks Aunt Cami for watching Liesl that day. It takes a village to raise Charles. :-)
Charles got to play with some cool toys in the waiting room first. The smile is when he was SO excited that the tech was taking the wires off. I have to say, at first I was leary that there was only 1 tech assigned to do the EEG on Charles, and that since it was outpatient and not done at Children's, I wasn't sure it would go very well, but this tech did a great job. And, so did I keeping him happy for 1 hour. Thank heavens for iPads, books, stuffed animals, and MANY different snacks.