Last week, The Epilepsy Foundation of Colorado put on a Seizure Safety training class for families of seizure patients, held at The Children's Hospital. It was fairly basic, but still gave us a few good tips for if and when Charles has any more tonic seizures (but we're hoping and praying he doesn't), and some good questions to ask our dr. during quarterly appointments with the neurologist - for example: "naming" the type of seizures our child has...isn't that the question of the hour...as we still don't know the final answer to that, but we're hoping its just the benign infantile myoclonus, as he would eventually grow out of that.
Charles was the youngest in the class, so he was the little entertainment with his head bobbing in and out of the video/powerpoint screen. Liesl refused to go with strangers at first, but once she realized that the adult class was way too boring, she changed her tune.
Here's who attended:
- Mom
- Dad
- All of Charles' siblings
- Charles's cousins who are babysitting age
- Aunties, second cousin (also an auntie) and Grandma
Thank you everyone for coming! - Everyone who would potentially be babysitting Charles.
Anyway, here are some pics of the outing. They put on a "kids" class for the siblings under the age of 12 and did some crafts, the kids LOVED it. Afterwards, we noticed a bluegrass band playing in the lobby, so we enjoyed that afterwards :-) Then, fortiutous as it was, Charles' auntie got to visit a friend's daughter who had just had back surgery; and Charles' cousins got to see where their sister has monthly infusions for her juvenile rheumatoid arthritis - amazing, go to the hospital for training and "run errands" while you're there...pretty handy!