So Charles takes one medicine twice daily - called Keppra or (Levetiracetam) and Clonazapam when needed (during an active "cluster" of seizures). After his first round of Neuro doc visits, they prescribed about 1.25.-1.5ML of Keppra, twice a day. Then the Clonazapam is a soft flat wafer that we break in half and Charles mouth absorbs it quickly when he's having seizures - it takes 10-30 minutes to take affect, it's sweet in taste, so he doesn't mind it. He takes his medicine every day SO WELL, he's such a good boy to always take it easily for us. He squirted out a whole bottle once, and after Mom (Amelia) negotiated very-savvy like with the pharmacy, I was able to avoid the "cash price" for "lost" medicine. He don't yet know how long he will be on the medicine, but one of the Neurologists at Children's Hospital once told us that the child has to be "seizure-free" for 2 years to get off the meds. As you read on, you'll see we're no way near being off the meds.